
Pre-school have a more structured routine taking into account their changing individual needs and skills. Children are offered more independence through a range of opportunities and their environment. We continue the cycle of observation, planning and evaluation into Pre-school extending on the children’s prior learning and experiences.

Your toddler has developed into a “big” boy or girl and they are desperate to make their mark as an independent and knowing individual. This is exactly what they are, which is why at this crucial stage of self-importance we promote the children to our “school house”.

We believe that space and free movement is essential to all enquiring minds and bodies and is one of the reasons that from this age on we don’t segregate our children. Instead we have large playrooms, both inside and outside, with wildly varying resources allowing your child the stimulation to be gained from decision making and the unlimited learning opportunities gained from their elders around them. Our pre-school children have direct access to the garden providing all round excitement and development opportunities.

We build upon children’s awareness of the social rules and expectations required for group listening and activities at this earlier age due to the observing and assisting role they have had in the lead up to this time. We recognise among all of this social activity your child is an individual and we ensure that we continue to meet their needs. Should they still benefit from a rest or sleep our adaptable areas allow this.

We continue to have our meals together as a family and your child’s social and personal development will be actively encouraged at this time. Mealtimes remain an important and special occasion.