Child Illness

Aston Pierpoint values each child’s health and we do everything we can to prevent infection when children are at nursery.

Children are encouraged to wash their hands regularly and practice good hygiene and toys and equipment are regularly sterilised and cleaned by members of the nursery team.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, some children will pick up illnesses, many of which are contagious even before they display symptoms. Because of this we have to enforce exclusion periods for children suffering from certain illnesses or symptoms to reduce risk of cross-infection within the nursery, both towards other children and our parents and employees.

Please read through this brief guide to some of the most common illnesses children may suffer from and note the enforced exclusion periods for each. You can also read more by clicking on the links to the NHS website. All of our exclusion periods are decided upon after consultation with the Department of Health.

Some notes

  • Your key person will always contact you should they have concerns about your child’s health and their best interest will always be at heart.
  • If your child is suffering from an illness and has been prescribed medication by your GP, then our staff can administer the medication with your written consent. If you see a member of staff in the office then we can provide you with a medication form for completion to grant us permission to administer the medicine.
  • Children may only be administered one dose of medication at nursery in a day unless otherwise specified on the GP’s instructions.
  • Your child should have been on prescribed medication for at least 24 hours before returning to nursery to ensure that no allergic reaction is likely to occur.
  • Blanket consent may not be given for any medication. Specific instructions must be given if you wish us to administer medication.
  • Notices will be displayed around the nursery to alert you of any contagious diseases or instances of sickness or diarrhoea.