Support Staff

We have our own support and supply staff who help at Aston Pierpoint Nursery and Aston House Preschool each week. Across all our rooms we have support staff available each day to provide a higher ratio of staff than legally required, which enables us to offer a better quality of care for the children.

Our management team, made up of the Nursery Principal and Nursery Directors, are supernumerary and not counted in the staff : child ratios. Together with additional supernumerary room based support staff, there are several members of the team on hand as needed to support the practitioner team across the rooms each day.

Our supply staff team also assist with covering extra bookings, off-site extra curricular activities such as Forest school and Swimming lessons, trips and outings using our nursery 7-seater car and minibus, and the annual leave of our permanent staff team.

Our support staff are unable to work full time with us for various reasons, for example having to care for their own children of school age, caring for relatives or studying part time.

By having our own in-house support staff who are regularly with us each week, both the children and parents get to know them very well, making our support staff an invaluable part of our team here at Aston Pierpoint and Aston House.